Can I renew my Italian passport without registering for A.I.R.E.?
AIRE stands for "Anagrafe Italiana Residenti all'Estero", that is the Regisitrar of Italian citizen residing abroad of any Municipality in Italy. Thus, if you are an Italian citzen residing in Italy you do not need to register at the AIRE at all. On the other hand, if your reside abroad, the Consular Autorities most likely will request you register with them prior to renewing or otherwise issuing a new passport. I assume that registering at the Consulate tantamounts to have registerd at the AIRE of your own municipality in Italy as it would seem logical that the Consulate would inform the relvant municiaplity. However, the intricacies of Italian burcracy are such that oftentimes logic applies to it as spiritism applies to astrophysics.